Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Sometimes traditions can be bad because that’s all you have
it can affect you with things you do
because your were told and tough
just holding in your heart having a tradition talk and walk
you will never know that tradition is hurting you
it’s just something you learn you keep it going because it’s your turn
of what you have learned
It’s hurting people's lives everyday traditions can make you lose your way

Friday, May 24, 2013

Unhealthy Relationships

This is how you will know it’s unhealthy for you

when you being used it’s always clues
when getting misused they act like they love you

but all they know how to do is use control on you

but all the time trying to find the right things
to say  hurting your feelings every day

putting you down and having no grounds
to make them feel like they are on top
but inside falling apart hurting in their hearts

but having so much pride to keep them self
feeling alive, keep being around them
it will never stop so you have to remove yourself

and know you will not fall just stand tall
they're mad they're life is going know where
don’t let them take you there

know that is not your battle to fight
It’s hard to have healthy relationships when they are around
because that kind of relationship will tear you down

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


When you struggle through your life you will put up a fight
with a lot of insecurities within yourself sometimes you don’t know you need help
you would say some hurtful things to tear the other person down to keep them around
afraid you will end up being alone, but being that way want make that loneliness go away  
making them feel  like they need you not knowing you already could be a good woman/man from the start, just  give them your heart but all along thinking if you give them good sex it would make you the best but just living your life just to impress, put that energy into self
that will be your help and first step for good self esteem
getting to know who are you, then you can become true to you
in real life you have to change and realize trying to control a person in that way
will only make them stay for a little while and it will come with a price
but true love will keep them there for life

Saturday, May 11, 2013

If you like my poems come along and follow me on facebook to thanks my friends!!:) https://www.facebook.com/TrueLoveNPoetry

Please check out my website http://truelovenpeotry.webs.com/


Someone that knows her place
and not let room for someone else

to take place, stand up for her child
learn how to stop having her head

in the clouds, not let a man take
control because she know her role

used and abuse as a child why not
stop and think i don’t want this now

but instead kept it going on for years
that’s why I shed so many tears, my

heart is trying to let go, but you act like
you don’t know but know matter what i still

~Love you so mother

Monday, May 6, 2013

The True Battle

the battle is not a man
the battle is not about land
the battle is not about money
the battle is far from funny
the battle is not milk and honey
the battle is not how much money you make
the battle is not about how much time we take
the battle is we all need to become awake
the battle is about we all want love not something fake