Sunday, February 10, 2013

Many Churchs

All the churches i been around
The shoot your hopes to the ground

Bully you with bible verses
They needed power and control over a person,

They play on people with low self esteem  
Weak and poor that was there open door,

To use them for their gifts
For their church to bring in money,

I don’t think that’s funny
People that is hurt in there heart

Then they would rip it apart to use them
For all they had, then they sit back

And laugh at the poor and the weak
Power and control they seek

1 comment:

  1. Yo,yo,yo.... that's my girl.

    destroying the church's stuff with -poetry-
    that's the coolest thing to begin my day with.

    i spent 20 years reading, studying, comparing, compulsing all taht religious nonsense, and in the way i lost my religion, but found FACTS.

    i live with simple, clear and dull rational facts. so i choose to believe in humanity, in the power of morality.

    great, you'rte givin' me hope there are smart people out there, not just the -cattle- following their -mentallyretardedpreist- ruling them by the -book-.

    i got a whole site dedicated to my views about religious -shit-, that i didn't updated for a year. so thank you for your little poem.
    now, that i put my new book under press, i will get back to my favourite punching ball "the mythical jesus".
    if you are interrested in this subject.... feel free to ask, i'll be honoured to chat about.

    great job, keep expressing feelings.
    i'm too old and dull to do so.
